Herstory Retold

Much of traditional history focuses on men's contributions to society but less information is generally available on women's roles in the same civilizations. Recent scholarship, however, has begun to focus on women's role in these societies. Here I aggregate and further analyze existing scholarly works on women's premodern roles in various societies and geographic locations.

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Premodern Chinese history is the history of a deeply entrenched patriarchal society, yet one with windows. Women were treated as secondary citizens and indoctrinated with a set of strictly prescribed rules on how to be a good wife. However...


Premodern Korean society offered women a fair amount of agency within their respective social classes yet was structured on a strict class hierarchy that applied to all societal members alike...


From the ancient Egyptian culture of 3000 BCE onwards to that of Njinga of Angola's tribe to the Bantu Matrilineal Belt, Africa offers many different examples of societal organization styles...